Evangelist evolves with

online training program.

Debra George has been ministering from the pews to the streets on evangelism for over 30 years. The number one question Debra would get through her travels is, "Can you teach us how to win souls on the streets?" She's always wanted to create a curriculum of some kind, but when the pandemic hit in 2020 and she forced off the streets and out of the churches she reached out to New Creation Network for ideas and innovation that would set her ministry up for the next era of her ministry.


Produce an educational platform for people to learn evangelism

As a first grade school teacher for many years, Debra always loved teaching people and when you've don't street ministry for over 30 years, you have a few lessons to teach!

Throughout all of Debra's travels to churches around the nation, she always was asked if a training program existed. Now we were faced with the opportunity to take Debra's years of teaching curriculum, capture it on film, and produce a place for people to learn online while simultaneously providing a new form of revenue into the ministry.


Strategize + Identify + Produce + Build + Communicate

In a total span of about 8 months, New Creation Network strategic with Debra George Ministries on the most effective way to capture the curriculum and make it available to churches. We identified the project with a name, URL and designed a logo package that would uphold the identity of the platform. Produced video sessions by filming, editing, and mastering 10 lecture sessions that would ultimately go within the course. An online web platform was built so users could access the content efficiently and finally integrated with Debra Georges audience a web, social, and e-mail campaign notifying the public of the new offerings.

Elements Created By New Creation Network

1. Logo & Identity Artwork

Created 3 logos for Debra to select and all supporting graphics for total identity cohesiveness.

2. Video Production for all 10 sessions

2 Camera Shoot + Lighting + Mastered Audio + All post production + Graphics & animation for all titles.

3. Web & Platform Development

Developed the web application that would host the courses and provide member management while connecting to Debra George Ministries pre-existing systems for payment and e-mail automation.

4. Printed All Marketing Mailers & Resources

Worksheets + Certificates + Coupon Vouchers

5. Created A Launch Campaign Package

Video trailer + Social Images + E-mail Templates + Direct Mail Postcards

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